Fitness Business University With Vince Gabriele

A Word on People Who Hate Selling



Vince sat down with Ryan McKenzie, Author of the bestselling book, I Hate Selling for the Fitness Professional. They talked marketing, sales and where the gym industry is headed. P.S. If you want to get a free copy of Ryan’s Book, check it out here: [P.P.S.] …Whenever you’re ready here are 4 ways to work with me… 1. Get Instant Access to My Covid-19 Special Edition Podcast Episodes Want gobs of free advice to help your business navigate this pandemic? Check out this special edition podcast page that’s solely built to help brick and mortar gym owners survive and thrive during Covid-19. Click link below to access to all the episodes: 2. Get a Free Digital Copy of One of My Books Want to beef up your library with money making advice from the trenches? Choose from: ·       The Ultimate Guide to Marketing your Gym ·       The Ultimat