Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things

Is Your Conversation PROUD?



In episode 440 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, we are back with our Wednesday segment where I chat with various experts and a new series I call, Connected Conversations. Each episode will feature an episode from an expert teaching on a topic or a conversation with a group of other people discussing an important topic.  Each conversation will somehow relate to humanity, human connection, human rights or becoming a more extraordinary person. This episode is part of the Connected Conversations series where we talk about the LGBTQ+ community with a large focus on the transgender community.  You'll hear my four guests Shannon Whittington, LGBTQ+ expert and RN MSN CCM LGBT Health (she/her), Connor Maddocks, who built the first trans program at the LGBT Center of San Diego (he/him), Rikki Tea, Makeup Artist, Trans Social Media Influencer & 2019 SephoraSquad Member (she/her) and Alyssa Bright, Novelist, Poet and Cyber-Artist (she/her) talk about their journey into either being trans or supporting t