Biotechnology Focus Podcast

069 | Drug companies fined, new digital pill, Mississauga - A stem hub for success



The field of biotechnology is constantly evolving. It encompasses everything that harnesses cellular and biomolecular processes to develop technologies and products that will improve our lives and the health of our planet. This is Michelle Currie with the breaking biotechnology news of the week from Biotechnology Focus radio. Today, I will be discussing how a Canadian drug firm was fined this week for overcharging the U.K. health system roughly £34 million pounds; how the University of Alberta’s researchers have built on the studies from the Edmonton Protocol’s in hopes of making a powerful revolution in diabetes treatment; the release of the first digital pill that will track when it has been ingested; and, how partnerships, like Hoffmann-La Roche Limited and the University of Toronto Mississauga’s Master of Biotech program are fruitful and beneficial – allowing this metropolitan stem hub to reap the awards of such collaborations. +++++++++++++++++++++ Britain’s National Health Services has slapped a £34 mil