Biotechnology Focus Podcast

074 | An unprecedented act of kindness, a jump in cancer immunotherapy, and trusting your gut



074 | An unprecedented act of kindness, a jump in cancer immunotherapy, and trusting your gut On this episode of Biotechnology Focus radio are some of the top stories this week: How an unprecedented act of kindness will transform lives Promising news out of Ottawa that could take cancer immunotherapy to the next level How a known anti-psychotic has the possibility of being a solution to ALS And how a researcher’s gut reaction turned out to be right. ++++++ Making headlines this week is about the staggering $100 million anonymous donation that was received by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto to combat the causes of mental illness and develop cures to save lives and further hope. This anonymous gift leaves many incredulous and excited to fuel discovery and create social change for all Canadians. The donor made a comment on how they had seen first-hand the impact mental illness has on individuals and their families, and that they just wanted to support the next generation of researche