Profitable Farmer

Episode 48: Financially Literate or Flying Blind...Which One Are You?



I was chatting to a farmer the other day, who in conversation made 3 bold and cocky statements… saying them as if he had some badge of honour: “I don’t have time for office work”, “I have no interest in the numbers… I leave that to the missus”, and “It’s all another language to me… I leave it to the pen-pushers”. At the same time, he was commenting about how chaotic their life was… and how he… “makes decisions based on instinct & gut-feel rather than on analysis & ‘number-crunching…’”. I didn’t say it… perhaps I should have… but all I was thinking was “what a bloody peanut”. If you are serious about business and dedicated to being the absolute best farm owner you can be, then being financially illiterate is a sure way to NEVER get there.   NOW MORE THAN EVER FARMING IS A BUSINESS.   CEO’s of ALL successful companies study financial management constantly. Intense analysis, feasibility studies, financial performance monitoring, decision-modelling, forecasting and benchmarking is one of t