Advice From Hanna Podcast

S1EP63- Food For Thought



VIRTUDE’S KITCHEN + YWCA TORONTO There’s always been a strong bond between good food and strong women in Hanna’s Salazar upbringing. During this pandemic it most definitely felt like those two elements where missing. Hanna created Virtude’s Kitchen, a fundraiser that sprouted in order to feed women within shelters fuelled by Toronto local restaurants. Our first campaign will be featuring the Goods Restaurant and YWCA Toronto, a shelter that offers women a chance. With sponsorship from Best Next Steps, a product consultancy helping underrepresented founders develop their tech products from idea to market, we plan to deliver half of the our 125 meals goal to three YWCA shelters: 1st Stop Woodlawn Shelter, Arise Shelter, Women’s Shelter. With a community effort we can raise the other half of the funds needed! For more information, please visit the website;