Podcast By Crystal Andrus Morissette

Do I Need to Share My Shame Story?



During this call, Crystal chats with Jasmine about an old shame story that Jasmine has been carrying for over 20 years. It is a story she has not told anyone, not even her own husband. Jasmine worries that she can't be a truly empowered woman and coach doing authentic work in the world unless she comes clean with her husband and tells him about her past. Crystal helps Jasmine realize that we all have done or experienced things that we carry shame over, but that we still have the right to create a life we love – a life worthy of us. "We are not what has happened to us," Crystal explains, "we are what we do with what happened to us." Jasmine then sees that she has taken her past and turned it into gold, and you can feel the palpable shift in her energy.