Dr. Jim Richards

1. One Bad Decision



My new series, “Overcoming Bad Decisions,” starts today! Everything happening in our lives at this moment is, to some degree, related to a very specific decision that we’ve made. A single bad decision can take us down a road that we never intended to walk. That doesn’t mean we caused it, but we are where we are because of our decisions. As children of God, one of the most spiritual things that will ever happen in our lives is choosing to understand and accept personal responsibility. Responsibility answers the question, “Who has the authority (the right and responsibility) to take action and change what’s happening in my life?” God doesn’t have that responsibility. He gave it to us. Proverbs 4:23 instructs us to guard our hearts with all diligence for out of it flows the “issues” of life. The word “issues” means boundaries. Every boundary in our lives is determined by the beliefs of our hearts. Our lives can get no better or no worse than the beliefs of our hearts. When we mess up and make bad decisions, God