Dr. Jim Richards

5. Decide - Decree and Create



Everything that happens in the supernatural between us and God is supposed to happen from and through the heart. At creation; God conceived and believed each element in His own heart. Once He conceived and believed it in His heart He spoke it into existence. He spoke with intention and it manifested exactly the way He believed. Speaking with intention is faith that says, “This is already mine.” We know what it looks like and what it feels like. We experience it as being real. When it does come into existence, it will be in exact harmony with what was conceived in our heart. Our hearts can interconnect with the invisible world in ways our mind can’t. When Jesus taught the disciples how to pray, He taught them how to use their authority by using the keys of the kingdom. This is where Jesus functioned and where we are supposed to function. We must decide what we want and if it is provided for us through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. If it is, we must make a faith (trust) decision and start using