Hungry Cliff Podcast

23: Two Shoes None The Richer



Oral aural pet peeves, two to follow father, and he'd heed the Kragle's call.   This week we hear from the one and only hive mind dream team. Who, you ask, is the hive mind dream team? Listen to find out! We'll also discuss annoying pet peeves, music preferences, and watching entire seasons of television shows at once. Yes, we're guilty of that. The Hungry Cliff team promises that these discussions will be much more interesting than they sound. Really! Also, don't forget that we have yet to receive a correct answer to the HCFW4U contest! Email Tony as many times as you want with as many answers as you want. You could win something cool!   Music: Liquid Spirit - Gregory Porter Say Anything Avicii Punch Brothers Revenge soundtrack   Movies/TV: Revenge Dr. Who Lost   Books: Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid   Media: Goody Two-Shoes   Don't forget you can support Hungry Cliff by going to our Shop at the top of our page or by using our Amazon and iTunes Search Boxes at the top-right of our blog. Also, L