Hungry Cliff Podcast

59: Flap Flace



Martian cats, tart maniacs, and a Mac rant. This week, the Hungry Cliff team recovers from the holiday weekend by recounting Black Friday stories and talking about movie trailers. We'll also discuss fast food canon, weird little floating cats, and all of the money we're about to send to Andrew Kramer. He's earned it.   Links: Pizookie Marshmallow cats Element 3D 2.0 Jurassic World Star Wars Episode VII McMass   Board Games: A Few Acres Of Snow By Martin Wallace Asmodee 2 players Automobile By Martin Wallace Mayfair Games 3 - 5 players   Don't forget you can support Hungry Cliff by going to our Shop at the top of our page or by using our Amazon and iTunes Search Boxes at the top-right of our blog. Also, Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and subscribe to the podcast in iTunes so you don't miss a thing! And if you want to help us out some more, please review us on iTunes 'cause every little bit counts.   Hosts: Tony Silanskas, Matthew Biggers Guest Hosts: David Houston, Jessica Houston, Pedro Mendoza, Mo