Awakening With Nathanael Wolf

Awakening Episode 056: The Importance of Signs Pt. 2



Welcome to Episode 056 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.      In this episode, Nathanael begins a series entitled, "The Importance of Signs".   In this episode, you’ll discover: What signs are. Why we need signs. The importance of seeing signs as windows into the nature of God.   Notable episode quotes: “To John, a miracle was never an isolated act; it was always a window into the reality of what Jesus always was and always is and always did and always does.”  ~William Barclay   Download the Sent Ones Unlimited app: The Sent Ones Unlimited app is the best way to listen to the podcast.  Please download the Sent Ones Unlimited app at the Apple App Store or on Google Play (search using the words Sent Ones Unlimited) for the latest episodes as well as our blog posts, ministry schedule, and much more--all right on your smartphone.  Plus, our app has a Bible with fourteen English translations (including the Amplified Bible and The Message) and an audio Bible in the English Stan