Awakening With Nathanael Wolf

Sermon: Divinely Granted Appearances Part 1



SHOW NOTES FOR 2018 New Year Bonus: Divinely Granted Appearances Pt. 1   Welcome to this special 2018 new year episode of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.   Thank you for supporting the ministry of Sent Ones Unlimited and the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast in 2017.   As our way of giving back, we pray you enjoy this free audio resource.   In this episode, listen to part one of our newest resource, “Divinely Granted Appearances” available now in our Shop at   In this episode, you’ll discover: Divinely granted appearances are part of the inheritance of every Christian.   Download the Sent Ones Unlimited app: The Sent Ones Unlimited app is the best way to listen to the podcast.  Please download the Sent Ones Unlimited app at the Apple App Store or on Google Play (search using the words Sent Ones Unlimited) for the latest episodes as well as our blog posts, ministry schedule, and much more--all right on your smartphone.  Plus, our app ha