Awakening With Nathanael Wolf

Awakening Episode 080: The Cry for Revival Pt. 4



SHOW NOTES FOR EPISODE 080: The Cry for Revival Pt. 4   Welcome to Episode 080 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.   Are you hungry for more of the Holy Spirit?  Do you long for revival?   In this week’s episode of our latest podcast series “The Cry for Revival” Nathanael Wolf recounts stories of his experiences in the Argentine Revival and prays for an increased spiritual hunger in your life.   Notable episode quotes: “For the Church was not an organization merely, not a movement, but a walking incarnation of Spiritual energy. And she accomplished within a few brief years such prodigies of moral conquest as to leave us wholly without an explanation—apart from God. In short, the Church began in power, moved in power and moved just as long as she had power. When she no longer had power she dug in for safety and sought to conserve her gains. But her blessings were like the manna… In Church history every return to New Testament power has marked a new advance somewhere, a fresh pro