Kathy Santo's Dog Sense

Kathy Santo's Dog Sense Episode 5: How Many Heels Do You Need?



Kathy: Welcome to Kathy Santo’s Dog Sense Episode Five: How Many Heels Do You Need? And I'm here with my trainer and good friend, Sarah, who is out in Colorado. How's the weather out there? Sarah: The weather is absolutely beautiful. How are you guys doing in Jersey? Kathy: I think it's the first official day of Fall. Sarah: It’s getting there. Kathy: Yeah, I'm not, I'm not ready for the cold weather, which I know you love.  Sarah: Yes, I do. Kathy: But anyway, so in classes lately I've been realizing that my students have lovely formal Heels. They have not-so-lovely when they're not on a formal command. And I kind of wanted to sort of flesh this out and talk about the difference between formal heel and informal heel and everything in between. So, when you tell your dog to heel, when I tell my dog to Heel, there's a message conveyed and that means, “Stand next to me, pay attention whether it's peripherally or with your head up and change pace with me, change direction with me. Basically you and I are in sync.