Real Talk With Rachael Podcast

#15: How a Brave Mom Pursues Her Dreams



On this week's episode of Real Talk with Rachael I interviewed my friend and fellow Declare Conference team member, Kristin Lemus.  Several weeks ago after I spoke at an event, one of my listeners happened to be in the audience, and after she asked me this question, "How do you pursue your dreams as a busy mom of littles?". I knew this was a great question that many women have wrestled with so I prayed about who could tackle it with love and grace. God immediately put Kristin on my heart because I have watched her do this very thing so well.  Here are a few things we chatted about: Kristin's heart for Brave Moms How to pursue your dreams when you have little kids at home How to be a spirit lead decision maker Kristin's heart for the Declare Conference And so much more! At the end of the episode, I mentioned that we have a few $200 off discount codes for you to use towards the purchase of a Declare Conference ticket. You can go HERE to grab that ticket and use code VIPRachael. Please note, when I say I have