Real Talk With Rachael Podcast

#99: Help Her Be Brave with Amy Ford



This week on Real Talk with Rachael I’m talking with Amy Ford, the author of Help Her Be Brave: Discover Your Place in the Pro-Life Movement. She’s also the President and Co-Founder of Embrace Grace, a non-profit that inspires and equips the church to love single and pregnant young women by working with almost 700 churches across the nation, providing curriculum to help moms with unexpected pregnancies. Key points from our conversation: There's a misconception that pro-life work just means picketing. There are many ways to get involved and Amy's book Help Her Be Brave: Discover Your Place in the Pro-Life Movement can help you find a way to get involved that uses your strengths. 1 in 4 women have experienced an abortion - the rate is the same inside the church as it is outside. Abortion healing is possible. Jesus' blood offers complete forgiveness and He still wants to use you. Too many voices in the church are being silenced in shame. "Heart work can be hard work." Fear is at the root of every abortion dec