Spanish Practices

Day 29 "Tuna" The Spanish Lockdown



Today Tuna and potties Day twenty nine of the Spanish Lockdown, the sometimes amusing, diary of a Brit in southern Spain under the 'Alarma' - normal life has stopped.   To find out more: Day 29 of our Spanish Lockdown, we woke to horrible weather, thick fog, pouring rain and a damp chill to the air.  When we get this kind of weather it always reminds me of a disastrous holiday I went on with my father, his new wife two toddlers and a baby, my fathers second attempt at a family.   I had reached a crisis point in my career.  Career huh! I worked on a Production line that made Britvic 55 and Pepsi Cola.  It was sweaty dirty work, I still bear some of the scars where broken bottles had sliced into my hands, the place was crawling with cockroaches. My mother had got me the job following unemployment during the famous winter of discontent, then a rubbish job at a Petrol station, that I hated so much I used to turn the lights off on the forecourt in the hope I could quietly sit and li