Spanish Practices

Day 51 - "Cops and Kaftans"



Day fifty one. Life behind the police lines in Lockdown Spain for a British couple and their three good legs cat. Today back to the sixties and why the Spanish might face chaos   Find out more at: Day 51 Cops and Kaftans   It is day 51 of our Spanish Lockdown, and the day started early, Chris had a BBC interview to do on Skype, so I set the laptop up for him and got out the figures and facts just in case they asked him about specific numbers.   Today it was Sonia on BBC Essex, I like her and Ben her normal co-host. Having worked for the BBC it is refreshing to hear real local sounding voices, the radio station is run by our friend Lou and she tries very hard to make the content sound good.  It is really hard to do that as the BBC tries equally hard to be well meaning but often shoots itself in the foot.   Day 51 and my cousin, Pandy has discovered Facebook and also the irritating habit of mass messaging people.  It is her birthday and she is sharing the day with us, complete wit