Spanish Practices

Day 61 - "Civil Unrest and Manic Mondays"



Day 61  and this is the story of a British couple behind the police lines in Lockdown Spain, the real story of day to day life under the Alarma. The frustrations of a loss of freedom despite the Health Region reaching the criteria for the easing of Lockdown, the Government have decided though to keep us in Lockdown. Find out more: Day 61 - Civil Unrest and Manic Mondays It is Day 61 of our Spanish Lockdown, we have reached the point last week when we were hoping for a bit of freedom, by the end of today we should know, but last week the government didn’t tell us until Sunday afternoon.   Just the ability to pop to the main town would be helpful, a few restaurants open anything that would bring a touch of normality to our life.   Yesterday we spoke to our friends Shelley and Chris back in Essex.  Apart from going for walks they have not left the house, though will need to next week to pick up medicine in central London. They will drive in and only one visit the Doctors.  They sho