Spanish Practices

Day 77 - "Benidorm Brits and Bikinis"



Today the story of a railway porter who transformed the whole of the Spanish tourism industry, a story that involves a Bikini and General Franco.   Find out more: Day 77 Benidorm Brits and Bikini’s   Sunday, the eve of Phase 2 and another step toward the new normal here in Spain.  Today the Spanish Tourism Minister Maria Reyes Maroto has said that the UK must improve the Covid19 rates before Britain’s can be allowed to come back to Spain for their holidays.   Last year just over 18 million Brits visited Spain with just over 65 million from other countries so about 11% of all tourists in Spain are British.   In the next couple of weeks Spain will open up some test corridors from other European countries with a wider expansion on the 1st of July.   The Daily Mail was suitably outraged by the statement from Spain, with an editorial suggesting Brits should stay at home.  They have a point.  I very rarely read the comments written in the Daily Mail but this one made me chuckle from V