Live 2 Win Podcast With Alex Thorn

L2W25: Why I Started Podcasting



Many times you have to look back at why you started something to know why you are still going forward with it.... A little over a year ago I Started this podcast with my Clients and #TeamThorn supporters in mind... Today? That vision has grown to AMAZING proportions. I remind not only YOU my audience of why I started podcasting but also myself, In this episode of the Live 2 Win Podcast. Subscribe To The Live 2 Win Podcast on iTunes For Free And Receive New Episodes Every Week! Remember you can ask Thorn Anything you would like concerning Health/Fitness/ Pro Wrestling or even Music if you like By Tweeting Me @Thornfitness on Twitter AND include the Hashtag ‪#‎L2WQA‬ Become a part of #TeamThorn on Facebook by Liking Our Fan Page Visit the Thorn Fitness Website To Leave Your Own Voice Mail That will Appear On THIS SHOW! Let Your Voice Be Heard on a future episode of the Live 2 Win Podcast