Young Money With Tracey Bissett

EP161 Why an Abundance Mindset and Kindness are Key to Financial Fitness



As we reach the end of September 2020, new realities are starting to set in and many of us are realizing that things are not necessarily as we want them to be. At the time of this recording, Canada is entering its second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, case counts are climbing around the country, and pandemic fatigue is starting to set in. What does this have to do with mindset, kindness, and your financial health? By cultivating a mindset of abundance and treating everyone—including yourself—with kindness, you will be in a much better place to weather the financial storm. That’s why in this episode, I’m giving you tangible and practical steps to hit the reset button on your finances, reminding you how to maintain a sense of calm during the second wave of COVID-19, and sharing how to cultivate a mindset of abundance and gratitude. "An abundance mindset and kindness are key to financial fitness.” - Tracey Bissett This Week on Young Money: How to financially reset in order to ride through the rest of the year.