Second Shot With Heath Oakes

She Reformed Her Marriage and Will Help Yours Too | Second Shot Sit-Downs #3



"Every relationship goes from romantic love into a power struggle..." You'd probably thinking that a couples therapist would have all their relationship issues fixed before they even become issues. But Beth Reeder Johnson can tell you that sometimes it's that conflict that leads you down a path of discovery and understanding. You just have to not slam so many doors. What is Imago Relationship Therapy? Why does coming from a household with little fighting potentially put you at a disadvantage? How did the movie "Jerry Maguire" screw up everyone's perception of relationships? Learn more about Beth Reeder Johnson at Second Shot Sit-Downs is an in-depth look at the people who inspire us, from your friends at Second Shot! This interview series is meant to highlight the types of people we talk about on the show: the people who really embody that idea of taking a Second Shot at business, at relationships, at life.