Judy Croon

Comedy, Creativity and Crisis



Comedy, Creativity & Crisis The Beginning At the beginning of 2020, I decided that I was going to make twelve resolutions (one per month) instead of one big resolution at the beginning of the year that ran the risk of fizzling out by January 3rd. In January and February, I got a couple of good things done. Then Covid-19 struck and suddenly, like everyone else, I waited and wondered, ‘What was going to happen next?’ The world hit ‘pause’ and my yearly ‘things -to – do’ list turned into more of a personal survival guide. After a few months though, something rather unexpected happened. Creativity kicked in. I probably should have panicked more but, instead, I took a deep breath and I started to write. I started working again on jokes and writing projects that I had put off for years. There must have been something in the air because so many people that I knew felt the same way. They were writing. They were creating. They wanted to collaborate. Caveman Brain Since the beginning of time, creativity and