Judy Croon

Space Odyssey 2020: Covid, technology and virtual presentations.



Space Odyssey 2020: Covid, technology and virtual presentations. Admit it. How many of you got dragged into the virtual presentation world, kicking and screaming? How many of you had nightmares of sweat dripping down your forehead one minute before the green light came on in front of a virtual roomful of clients? How many of you felt like Dave from Space Odyssey 2001? “HAL, open the pod bay doors!!” “I’m sorry Judy, I’m afraid I can’t do that.” “All right, HAL. I’ll go in through the emergency airlock.” “Without your space helmet, Judy, you’re going to find that rather difficult.” Okay, so maybe this was my imagination going overboard. For the past few years, I have been encouraged by friends and clients to do more video presentations. As a comedian and motivational speaker, I have always enjoyed live presentations and conferences. In the past, I had been speaking and coaching virtually with some of my clients but then Covid hit. The game changed overnight. There wasn’t an option to do conferences