Judy Croon

Just Another Mindful Monday Andy Cleghorn Art Therapy Part 2



Hi there, I'm Judy Croon. Welcome to another Episode of Laugh Long and Prosper – Shelf Help with a dash of humour when appropriate. I believe that humour is one of our best coping mechanisms-especially when we are facing stress and unknown times like Covid. Today is Monday. That’s means it’s time for 'Just Another Mindful Monday'. On the podcast with me today is Andy Cleghorn from http://www.FullCircleATC.com ATC stands for Art Therapy Centre. Full Circle - Art Therapy Centre is a Toronto based Art Therapy clinic, located in the Danforth community. It was founded in 2014 by two art therapists, (Pearl and Lacey). Their mission is to provide a safe space for people in need of mental health support, by helping them heal through creative processes. Andy is a registered Psychotherapist. She is a huge believer in the strong connection between humour and mental health. Today we talk about creativity and art and how Andy uses it to help heal individuals who are suffering from a variety of mental health issues