Into The Woo

Into The Woo with Gaby Guzman Ep.3



Gaby Guzman For a good chunk of my life I felt like something was missing. I chalked it up to not having found my purpose. I tried. I’ve had four careers (Consulting, HR, Communications, Advertising), lived in three cities (Santo Domingo, NYC, Miami), countless hobbies (hello, Calligraphy!), wildly different passions (from politics to interior design), a 7-year marriage, a beautiful son, a divorce. Through it all, I still felt “off”, like there was some kind of hole in my soul. As time passed I grew more frustrated and guilty about it. In January 2015 I started my own business. All I knew is that I felt called to help women tell their stories. I knew that finding and owning your voice was power. Entrepreneurship is a powerful journey into self, reflecting the stories we tell ourselves and the world. Soon after I started the business, I learned what all entrepreneurs find out sooner or later: You are suddenly faced with every fear, every insecurity, every self critical thought you’ve ever had. Suddenly th