Turning Inward With Dr. Vivian Carrasco

Exploring Our Religion From Within



Books can bring us new ideals and perspectives that we wouldn’t have initiated on our own. In today’s conversation, Vivian and Heather Williams, of Green Buddhi Yoga, discuss the teachings that The Way of The Rose by Clark Strand and Perdita Finn brought them.  The scale a variety of concepts, such as how we can experience religion on a personal level, the bridge between religion and the patriarchy, and how we can treat sex as sacred and not dirty. Tune into this episode for an insightful and introspective experience with Vivian and Heather.  Show Highlights:  Vivian and Heather share what restraints they initially had towards the book  Heather shares her inspiration to create her own rosary after the book club  How the image of God has shifted from being part of the patriarchy to a mother  Why we don’t have to search for God and should turn within ourselves  Vivian shares her favorite passage from “The Way of The Rose” The joy is there for us to enjoy  How trauma and childhood can effect religion  Ways to p