

Our Summer Spin In is underway and in this episode we answer listener questions on washing a fleece and drafting techniques. Show notes with full transcript, photos, and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website: Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Subscribe on Android or Subscribe on Google Podcasts Marsha’s Projects Walk Along Tee by Ankestrick (Ravelry link) It has been slow going but the sleeves are done and I’ve started the bottom ribbing! Halfway on the foot on the second sock of a pair of socks for myself using Drops Fabel Print that I bought in San Luis Obispo.   My Barber Pole spinning project has hit a road bump. All the green and brown has been plied into a three-ply. I decided to spin a bobbin of just dark brown in Navajo (or chain) ply. This was not successful because I’m an uneven spinner and this technique emphasizes the variation. Back to the drawing board. Kelly’s Projects  Faye’s Flower Blanket, a crochet project, is mostly sewn together. The