Girl On Purpose With Vivian Tenorio

036: Reuben Canada, Founder of Jin+Ja



Prior to founding Canada Enterprises LLC Reuben Canada was a patent attorney at Woodcock Washburn. Reuben found his entrepreneurial calling when he focused his energy into bringing something he created in his kitchen that expresses his impression of what exceptional tastes like. Reuben received a B.S. in electrical engineering from Swarthmore College and his J.D. from Howard University.   On Today's show Reuben will share: - What’s Your Personal Mission Statement Better life through better choices - Biggest Business Mistake Not taking full responsibility sooner - How Do You Handle Business Stress and Uncertainty Always remember that this is an opportunity and be grateful for the challenges - Greatest Business Decision That Changed Everything Complete angel round of financing - Best Book For The Entrepreneurial Mindset Unlabel by Mark Ecko - Plus much more...