Girl On Purpose With Vivian Tenorio

055: Jennifer Constantine, Founder of JC's Pie Pops



A happy accident in my kitchen just about 3 years ago led to the launch of my natural ice cream company in March of 2013 and the early success of our flagship product, JC's Pie Pops, which is growing like crazy and gaining mainstream popularity every day in grocery stores.   On Today's show Jennifer will share: - What are your top 3 business tips for aspiring entrepreneurs 1) Ask for advice but ultimately trust your own instincts. 2) Don't ever lose your passion and enthusiasm. If you do, you're in the wrong business. 3) Be confident in yourself and your brand. If you don't trust yourself, no one else will. - What has been your biggest business mistake I don't believe in mistakes. I believe in lessons and opportunities for betterment. My biggest lesson was realizing that I can't do everything by myself. At some point your business becomes bigger than you and you have to relinquish some control, delegate and let others help. - What do you think is the difference between people who talk about starting businesse