This Is Life With Pejman Ghadimi

Ep 10: Control Your Environment – Or Let It Control You



Are you looking for an investor? Do you have a plan of action once you are granted the funds to invest in your business or venture? To complicate things further, what are you willing to compensate to the investor in return or the much-needed funding? All of these questions and more are subjects you should be considering before even deciding to explore investor options to take your business venture to the next level. You host, Pejman Ghadimi, is joined by David who is an entrepreneur in the automotive sales industry. Today, Pejman gives some critical advice in the field of – but not limited to – automotive sales and flipping cars on understanding and deciding how to establish business goals based on long-term growth and playing it smart when agreeing to accept an investment or partner into your business plan. As a bonus, Pejman Ghadimi gives us some great insight on why your environment is never the reason why you do or do not do something unless you are not in control of it. Are you the one making your decisi