Beyond Good Intentions With Kristen Duke

#052 Ashlee (Birk) Boyson // Each of Us are a Light



I found Ashlee through her instagram @TheMomentsWeStand and right in her bio she mentions surviving infidelity and murder, which is a lot to take in, in one short sentence.  Ashlee has a story unlike any I've ever known, and she shares it courageously, but it wasn't always the case. She ultimately felt inspired to write out her heart, against original shame from her experience. I applaud her vulnerability in sharing, knowing it will bless others who have experienced trauma in their life, in any form. I love how when I asked her at the end what she hoped her children KNOW when they leave the house is that each of us are a light. That stuck with me, and thought it would make the perfect title.  CHECK OUT THIS WEEKS SPONSOR, Chatbooks! Follow that link to receive $10 off my favorite books for everyday family moments! See how we display them in our home HERE. Come chat about this episode on Instagram, @CapturingJoy.KristenDuke Find more Beyond Good Intentions info on that page on my website.  >>>How to find Ashl