Beer Busters

Episode 189: Stolen Sun Craft Brewing & Roasting (or You Don't Know Their Cats)



This episode was recorded just before the pandemic roared into full swing, businesses like Stolen Sun were still operating mostly normally – but there was already unease. We brought sanitizer and disinfectant wipes to the recording, but we weren’t yet living in full-on quarantine mode. Obviously, the subject of Corona came up, though not immediately, and we tried not to talk about it at length. We did address the uncertainty small businesses were facing – an uncertainty that has, unfortunately, only grown since. If your reading these words while all of this unpleasantness is still happening, please support local businesses like Stolen Sun any way you can. They are adapting, offering curbside pick up and delivery, trying to keep their livelihoods intact and their families, employees, and customers safe. If you’re reading this in the future, maybe try to send a tweet back in time and tell us everything will be ok. All that said, this episode is not really a bummer, we promise. We drank and made merry and talke