The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

8: Handling Nasty Questions From Nasty People



Dale Carnegie Training Japan: We have probably all been on the receiving end of it or have been a witness to it. The presentation is completed, after which come the questions; some are fact finding, some seek clarification, while some are just plain nasty.Perhaps the questioner is not trying to be mean, but the result is the same. All eyes in the room burn a hole into you as everyone waits to see how you are going to handle this little Scud missile that is thinly disguised as a question.Some presenters splutter, nervousness sapping intellectual and verbal powers, while some give such a pathetic response we can see their credibility sail out the window as they speak. Some get angry, assuring everyone there that they are not fit for higher responsibilities because they can’t control their emotions.Do these questions come up? Yes, so there is no point imagining that we won’t have to face the meeting room moment of truth.Do we usually prepare beforehand, in the event that someone mi