Camera Ready With Val Brown

CR 22 - How To Identify Your Vocal Brand And Sound Great On Camera



With podcasts and video being such an important part of your brand platform today, it pays to pay attention to your voice. It’s an important part of your brand. Veteran radio personality and voice actor Jeff Gelder shares some of his vast experience with us about developing your vocal brand and how you can work to make sure you sound your best on camera and on your podcast. Jeff is a big believer in the power and influence of the human voice. He’s worked with Sony, ESPN, Dell, Jenny Craig, and Toyota and interviewed celebrities from Olivia Newton John to Woody Harreslon. This is a big topic, so we are really are going to just scratch the surface and give you some tools to get started.  On this episode you’ll learn: The elements of a vocal brand Why you don’t like the sound of your own voice Voice exercises to make sure you sound your best Here are links referenced in the show where you can find some more resources on this topic. Voice Over Achiever, What Is A Great Podcasting Voice?