Camera Ready With Val Brown

CR 40 - 3 essential questions personal brands MUST answer



My guest is friend, mentor, and master marketer, Mike Kim.  For those of you who aren't familiar with Mike, get ready to have your mindset about marketing completely reset.  ​Mike Kim is a real world marketing pro and he hosts the top rated Brand You podcast.  After working as the CMO of a multimillion dollar company in New York, Mike stepped into the consulting world and he's been hired by people and companies like John Maxwell, Donald Miller, Suzanne Evans and Catalyst.  So if you're ready to learn how to market your personal brand and do stuff that wouldn't embarrass your mother, then you really need to subscribe to his podcast.  What I love about Mike is he makes it so simple to understand what you need to do to become a successful marketer. Remember though, simple doesn’t mean easy ;0) One question I often hear from listeners is about sometimes feeling confused about connecting with your audience, and you’re not sure where to get started.  Fear not. Mike is going to share his PB3 of personal brand market