The Champions' Cast - Zelda Dungeon Podcast

Episode 117 - Remembering Our Favorite Stealth Segments in the Zelda Series



Metal Gear!? To hear those words uttered in a Zelda game would give me no end of joy, but then, I'm a big fan of stealthy games and Tactical Espionage Action. But after kicking around the idea, I realized that Zelda has a plethora of stealthy sections spread out in the series for us to dissect and discuss. Come hang with us as we talk Gerudo Valley, Silent Realms, the Yiga Clan Hideout, the Forsaken Fortress, and more as we offer our two cents of most of the stealth segments currently available in Zelda. Plus, weigh in on a side bar we found ourselves discussing on the show - is Master Kohga is major letdown of a character? What do you think? All this and more, PLUS, head over to this post right here and ask us a question for net week's show! You can only ask questions on Facebook, so make sure to give us a like and drop a Q in the comments!   Follow the Champions’ Cast on Twitter:   Andy Spiteri – @Spiteri316 Alasyn Eletha – @AlasynEletha