The Champions' Cast - Zelda Dungeon Podcast

Episode 148 - Oracle of Ages: A Retrospective Celebrating 20 Years



Happy birthday to The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages! Hard to believe it's been 20 years since the Oracle games first graced our Game Boy Color's, but today, we are here to honor the puzzle focused Oracle adventure. Alasyn had never played Ages, and Andy hadn't touched it in years, so the two get together and spend an hour and a half talking about everything they took away from their experience! What was awesome about the overworld? How does Ages put a new spin on an old gimmick? What was the issue with some of the dungeons? Were we surprised by the story? All this and so much more! Come celebrate with us, and don't forget about next week when we tackle the dungeons of Oracle of Seasons!   Follow the Champions’ Cast on Twitter: Andy Spiteri – @Spiteri316 Alasyn Eletha – @AlasynEletha