Script Vs Screen

Ep. 43 - Speechless - s4e6



Speechless on ABC breaks new ground as a show with one of its main characters being disabled and the format being a 30-minute comedy. That's right a comedy. And it is tasteful and touching, centering on a family trying to adjust to a big move to a new community who in turn is trying to do their politically correct best at welcoming them with open arms. Families with disabled children have reacted positively to Speechless, as have the reviewers for the show, given them the levity they have craved. Speechless' main character JJ who has cerebral palsy and is restricted to a motorized wheelchair brings a character to life that has rarely been seen on television. Speechless' creator Scott Silveri channels his own life story of growing up with a sibling with disabilities to bring a realism and humor to the show. It stars Minnie Driver, John Ross Bowie, and Cedric Yarbrough. Rate us on iTunes, GooglePlay, and or where else you listen to your podcasts and don't forget to share this podcast with your friends!