Our Common Ground With Janice Graham

“Global White Supremacy: Baltimore to Palestine”, Rev. Dr. Ruby N. Sales



“Global White Supremacy: Baltimore to Palestine” Rev. Dr. Ruby N. Sales, Founder, Director, The Spirit House Faith Activist Liberationist, Journalist & Author From promulgating the racist birther conspiracy theory to exhorting vigilante Proud Boys to “stand by,” Donald Trump has amplified white nationalist ideas in the United States. But neither Trump’s emergence nor his impact can be understood fully by looking at the United States in isolation. Rather, Trump must be understood for his place in a long line of Anglophone leaders who claimed to speak for besieged whites, with precedents including Ian Smith, the leader of the white minoritarian regime of Rhodesia, and Enoch Powell, the British MP who infamously warned of “rivers of blood” if Britain did not halt non-white immigration. Moreover, white nationalism is global not only in its history but in its present manifestations: white nationalists worldwide have hailed Trump’s actions and would be emboldened by his reelection. Resistance and Rebellion