Everything Co-op With Vernon Oakes

NCB CEO Charles Snyder NCBA CLUSA's CEO Doug O'Brien and John Torres discuss Co-op IMPACT Conference



NCB CEO Charles , Snyder joins NCBA CLUSA's President/CEO Doug O'Brien and VP of Communications and Public Relations John Torres, to discuss the 2020 Cooperative IMPACT Conference. This year the conference will be held virtually, October 5-9, 2020. Online registration is open at www.ncbaclusa.coop, and has the capacity to accommodate unlimited registrants. This conference offers an opportunity to join hundreds of co-op developers, financiers, community and city leaders, innovators, economists and policymakers. Everyone who registers will have access to the sessions throughout October, in acknowledgment of National Co-op Month. As President & CEO of NCBA CLUSA, Doug O'Brien works with the cooperative community, both domestically and internationally, to deepen its impact on individuals and communities. Doug has been with NCBA since 2016, where he has served as the Executive Vice President of Programs before becoming president and CEO in January 2018. John currently serves as the Vice President of Communicatio