Prabhupada Podcast

Srimad Bhagavatam 6.1.14 - November 10, 1970 - Mumbai



A class on Srimad Bhagavatam 6.1.14 given by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on November 6, 1970 in Mumbai, India. Srimad Bhagavatam 6.1.13-14 tapasā brahmacaryeṇa  śamena ca damena ca tyāgena satya-śaucābhyāṁ  yamena niyamena vā deha-vāg-buddhijaṁ dhīrā  dharmajñāḥ śraddhayānvitāḥ kṣipanty aghaṁ mahad api  veṇu-gulmam ivānalaḥ To concentrate the mind, one must observe a life of celibacy and not fall down. One must undergo the austerity of voluntarily giving up sense enjoyment. One must then control the mind and senses, give charity, be truthful, clean and nonviolent, follow the regulative principles and regularly chant the holy name of the Lord. Thus a sober and faithful person who knows the religious principles is temporarily purified of all sins performed with his body, words and mind. These sins are like the dried leaves of creepers beneath a bamboo tree, which may be burned by fire although their roots remain to grow again at the first opportunity.