Fight In The Wolf




Download the full album free here Lyrics: Deep down in my soul A little crack's become a hole A bitter man has sunk quite low Ripped a patch that's poorly sewn Deep down far inside There's a fear I tend to hide There are tears I never cried Can't believe I never tried When you left The door swung open In words unspoken I was bereft Now you're gone I have no focus Got heavy shoulders I can't move on It's hopeless I just want you to know You were right I loved you so My heart is yours to own Forever I just wanted to say The chance I didn't take Will always haunt my days Forever Seeing you walk away Eats into me night and day Keeps me fooling my own brain An IOU that won't be paid Seeing you with someone else Makes me feel a fucking mess Has me seeking out revenge Trying to even out the debt When I think My thoughts they shame me Subconscience blames me I'm on the brink Now and then Wish I could glimpse you Tell you I miss you Spend My whole life with y