Wake Up With Monika Zands

017: Why Live Streaming is the Next Big Thing with Alex Khan



Alex Khan has been called the second most loved person on the Periscope platform. His wickedly intriguing German accent and his genuine persona earned him 200,000 followers and 50 million hearts in his first year of streaming. Alex is a serial entrepreneur, a keynote speaker and social media strategist. In the social media game since 2006, Alex has been able to gain insights about the most successful incentives and strategies that foster communication and activity among his members. He joins Monika on today’s podcast to discuss how his early upbringing has shaped his life, how to sell any product, and the importance of knowing your audience.   Key Takeaways: [3:36] Alex appreciates social media’s ability to bring together people that he knows, likes, and trusts. [5:27] Live streaming is the next big thing, because it is an intimate, authentic way to see who someone really is. [12:01] If you have KLT in marketing, you can sell any product or any service. [14:28] Alex explains why it is important to know who an