Emil Amok's Takeout From Emil Guillermo Media

Ep25: Evacuee, Katrina Survivor, Trump Supporter: 3 Asian Americans on Harvey



Check out the blog at http:/www.aaldef.org/blog You can donate to help Asian American Harvey victims here: http://www.ocahouston.org/harveyrelief Emil Guillermo interviews: Jessica Kong, who evacuated from her home with her brother and mother the first Monday after the storm hit.  Steven Wu, a Katrina survivor who now lives in Houston. Martha Wong, the first Asian American city council person in Houston's history. She talks about the post-Harvey politics.  Emil Guillermo: Three Asian Americans on Harvey: A stranded evacuee, a Katrina survivor, and a Trump booster  September 2, 2017 8:53 PM If you're a president known for tweeting, of course, there's only one way to show any empathy. You do selfies. It was Trump in what would be known as a "mulligan" in golf--his second visit to Houston since Hurricane Harvey demolished Texas. Trump arrived on Saturday at the NRG shelter in Houston and on the make-good finally seemed to understand his role as comforter-in-chief. When he spoke to reporters, he seemed impr