Samira Stalks: Entrepreneurship | Business Education | Innovation | Impact

#9 Run to the bloody beat with MIA’s former drummer, Kiran Gandhi



“Whilst running, I had the chance to reject my own shame whilst free-bleeding but millions don’t- only 12% of women in India have access to sanitary pads…” Shake s&!t up! We hear from another crazy, badass lady on the show- Kiran Gandhi- a drummer, activist and music artist. Still under 30, she ran the marathon free-bleeding, after being on tour with M.I.A as her drummer, whilst at Harvard Business School. We’ll hear her story of: - what touring the world with MIA was like whilst studying for an MBA at Harvard; - as a rising activist, we’ll get into what drove her to run the London marathon last year free-bleeding - - whilst on her period- she ran with blood dripping down her leggings to raise awareness of menstruation issues in the developing world… Eyebrows raised? Me too- we’ll hear how she dealt with the media aftermath; - lastly, we touch on her her four-step formula for promoting any social justice cause as she continues to move forward the ‘future is female’ campaign, inspiring young women across t