Samira Stalks: Entrepreneurship | Business Education | Innovation | Impact

#18 How a 20 yr old became a Venture Capital star, Harry Stebbings- The Twenty Minute VC



In this episode, we’re joined by Harry Stebbings- the 20 yr old who has become somewhat of a star in the Venture Capital industry. He set out to make his mark on it after watching Peter Thiel invest in Facebook in the The Social Network movie as a teen. Harry is the host of the 20 Minute VC podcast where he has interviewed over 600 investors and thought-leaders, he’s amassed over 100k subscribers and has sponsors queuing up to put their services in front of his audience. The post #18 How a 20 yr old became a Venture Capital star, Harry Stebbings- The Twenty Minute VC appeared first on Samira Stalks.