Jane Hamill | Podcast

Raising Your Prices



Do you ever find yourself saying things like... "If I raise the prices of my products I'll lose all my customers." "How can I charge more than I would personally pay for something?" "No one will pay that. My customers are really cheap." There's a lot of fear around pricing and raising prices. As entrepreneurs, we obsess on pricing and tell ourselves all kinds of things. Crazy things. Pricing & what you charge for your products triggers a whole lotta nonsense between the ears for many of my clients - and certainly for me too. Except that none of what we tell ourselves is true. I know from personal experience it's scary as heck to raise your price on something. Terrifying even. Sleepless nights level of terrifying. Most of you reading this own an online shop and my hunch is that 90% of you don't have the margins you could and should have. The truth is that you CAN raise your prices and you will NOT go out of business.  Today's episode tells you why and explains more. And if you're thinking, but Jane, MY